Thursday, February 07, 2008

General Foods Kitchens - drawings

The book featured in yesterday's post isn't only filled with charming photos. 1959's General Foods Kitchens Cookbook is packed full of some of the best line drawings that I've seen in any cookbook. While Mary Ronin's technique is very simple, she managed to create vignettes that are at once surreal and disturbing. Which is exactly what you want in cookbook illustrations.

Mother's always harping on about what fruits and vegetables go with which meats and which sized pan you need to use. Why, she even has gigantic posters all over the house!

Hmm.. What's more important: my family or my all-consuming obsession with balanced nutrition and meal planning?

From the section 'How do you market when you have a job?' - But, seriously, it is hard to work with all the produce floating over your head! One false move and that strategically placed cast iron skillet will knock you out cold!

Put 'em up! Annie Oakley picks out her dinner.

Aaaaaahhh!! A huge arm just stretched out from the tossed salad, and it's got me! My only defense is this spoon that's about the size of my leg!

It looks like this woman is holding a gun? Well, no wonder all the dishes sprouted legs to run away!

Stepford Wife and Stepford Daughter. Also includes a very special section (and soon to be an ABC Afterschool Special that should be watched as a family) on the 'most controversial' item in meal planning: between-meal snacking.

The chafing dish might be a glorified double boiler, but it doesn't mean that this one is too good for her beau.

The hostess looks like she's about to collapse under the immense weight of the tray she's barely keeping aloft. Her friends exchange scornful looks behind her back, and when she does inevitably crumple to the ground, they'll probably just laugh and leave her there.

Now all my shish kebab needs is a miniature chef. Ah, here's one!

Show and Tell! The class' assignment was to bring in their most prized possessions. Bobby brought in his life-sized teddy bear. Freddy brought in his gramophone. Suzie brought in her one-legged grandfather, Frank.

O Pepperoni Pizza Tree, how glistening is your mozzarella.

And the most chilling illustration of all: The Unexpected Guest.