Monday, February 25, 2008

Encyclopedia Repulsica, vol. 6 (Lun-Nut)

Today's retrospective of the Family Circle Illustrated Library of Cooking has us examining volume 11 in the series. (Lun-Nut) covers lunch ideas for when you're tired of pickle and pimiento loaf or grilled spam, unique decorations for your Sunday brunch, and jellied poultry.

'What lunchbox toter wouldn't welcome one of these?' That's what I want to know!

It came from the deep to make your lunch box (or bag) appealing!

A scene from the play A Lunch For All Seasons starring Baked Salmon Mousse with Poulette Sauce and Duchess Potato Nests with Peas.

Starbucks' new taste of spring: Watercress Frappé (with optional radish rose). Try this new flavor sensation with soy milk!

Showpiece Centerpieces for Lunches and Brunches - See what you can do with asparagus and a melon!

More centerpieces - You'll never look at eggplant and watermelon the same!

The last two dishes fall into the latter part of the book, the 'You've Got To Be Nuts To Make This' section - 'When you're down to the tag ends of a turkey, it's time to make a sensational Avocado-Turkey Crown.' I'm not sure what that means, but the mere fact that you can't make this dish until you're down to them doesn't bode well.

'Chicken Indienne is a curry, all right, but it's a cool and shimmery mold with chutney sealed on top.' - The text seems to be a bit defensive about this dish being a curry and quickly tries to distract the reader with its refreshing gelatinous nature. Strange!


ChuChu353 said...

That lobster claw is climbing right out of the middle of the sandwich.
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!