The Campbell Soup Company has been the main provider in the comfort food industry for over one hundred years. Over a decade before Andy Warhol elevated its iconic packaging into art, Campbell's soothed the souls of many a cook with the strong yet tender advice to 'look for the red-and-white label.' But Campbell's was so much more than just soup! From Cream Of Celery to Pepper Pot, Campbell's Condensed Soups were necessities in the arsenal of any good cook. 1951's Easy Ways To Good Meals: 99 Delicious Dishes Made With Campbell's Soups taught cooks everywhere that the wholesome goodness of Campbell's Soups were made to grace your table as cheese and egg dishes, jellied dishes, and even desserts!
I wonder if Campbell's is as welcoming today as they were in 1951. From the introduction penned by Anne Marshall (Home Economist): 'if you're ever in Camden, New Jersey or New Toronto, Ontario, we shall be delighted to have you visit us and see our kitchens -- and see how we make our Soups.' That sounds like the natural sort of dream vacation for many young housewives!

Beef Stew with Vegetables and Dumplings or Beef Stew with Vegetables and Cotton Balls?

Newlyweds, looking for the perfect way to inform your husband that the honeymoon is over? Try Campbell's own Bride's Chicken Loaf! It's perfect for loaf enthusiasts and women who have never seen real poultry! Another beigy classic, Creamed Dried Beef with Green Peas!

It's just never good when dinner reminds you of Mad Magazine's Spy vs. Spy. Hopefully, I'm the only one who can see the resemblance.

Stuffed Meat Roll: Fascinating and.. kind of infected looking.

Lamb and condensed soup go together like peanut butter and jelly or bacon and eggs. If you've got a little Scotch Broth on hand, you can whip up a Cottage Lamb Pie. Otherwise, you're stuck with Lamb Cutlets.

A shiny Salmon Loaf on what looks like Fiestaware.

Stuffed Tomato Slices with Creamy Chicken Sauce, M'm! M'm! Good!

I think there's one fact on which we can all agree: Campbell's Tomato Soup makes a tomato sauce to 'do you proud.' Whether as an accompaniment to your Gloucester Codfish Balls or your Grilled Cheese and Bacon Sandwich, it really hits the spot.

Obligatory Jellied Salad: Chicken Mousse

If only it could be in full-color: Jellied Shrimp and Vegetable Salad.

And people are impressed with latte art?!

In case you can't make it to Camden..