Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Curly Wurly Interactive #1

When you've looked through cookbooks as long as I have, you're bound to encounter massive amounts of Culinary Arts Institute volumes. I can't vouch for the superiority of the recipes, but, for me, the major drawback of this series 'devoted to the science of Better Cookery' is that all the pictures are in black and white. While that definitely detracts from the allure of these delicious creations, some of these pictures are too good not to be seen.

So, get your crayons ready for the interactive portion of today's post. Here for your coloring pleasure are a few select pages from 1940's 500 Delicious Salads. It's the easiest sort of rainy day activity: just print them out and select the most garish colors you can find! The kids will forget Mickey Mouse (or whatever it is kids like) in no time!

It's a magical moment when the book's own captions speak for themselves. From this point on, I promise you that all commentary is solely from the book itself!

Spring Flower Salads - 'These flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la, are the loveliest luncheon salads'

Grape and Pear Salad - 'Cries of delight will greet this frosty bunch of grapes when the layers below are explored'

Cranberry Ring Salad - 'The brilliant color of cranberry ring filled with shrimp and garnished with pineapple slices and cream cheese makes a real picture'

Top: 'Molded jellied salads in perky shapes for individual service instead of using large molds. When arranged on a bed of chicory with mayonnaise piled in the center, they'll keep the family coming back for more.' Bottom: 'A mirror tray is an ideal background to enhance the transparent delicacy of individual molded salads. A garnish of fresh green leaves and ripe whole berries adds the final touch of beauty.'

Drum Major Salad - 'Every one will 'fall in line' with the drum major salad'

Turkey Salad - 'Turkey gobbler, sea lion or pussy cat will be the result of your skill and imagination' (CW: I guess this can be shaped as one of these creatures only)


Jason Stockl said...

Is it me or does the Cranberry Salad Ring have eyes?

Just checking.

Jason Stockl said...

"Molded jellied salads in perky shapes for individual service instead of using large molds. When arranged on a bed of chicory with mayonnaise piled in the center, they'll keep the family coming back for more." ???


Maria said...

It does! I would have mentioned them, but since the caption from the book didn't mention them, I thought I'd leave it out. I've noticed that a lot of gelatined salads have eyes (and sometimes you can see a brain suspended in the middle)!

You don't like the combination of perky jellied salads, mayonnaise, and chicory?! Weird! :-D