Joys of Jell-O. This is the cream of the crop of Jell-O publications. Not just because it has the best title. Maybe it's just because I can't get enough of pictures of vegetables suspended in gelatin. Apparently, the publication of this booklet was at the peak of the Jell-O salad craze (circa 1962). Since this is my favorite of the Jell-O books, I may have gone a bit overboard with the amount of pictures. Although, I don't think that's possible.

1. Front cover

2. Rainbow cake and other colorful desserts

3. Basic Bavarian

4. The versatile Crown Jewel dessert

5. Birthday Surprise - the 'surprise' is it's ice cream and Jell-O

6. Upside-Down Cake - reminiscent of the translucent acrylic furniture of the 70s

7. A family of Supreme Desserts

8. A slew of pies - one sounds like a disco group; another looks like a medical model in a doctor's office (or a Halloween horror)!

9. Cherry Waldorf Salad - one of those 'two-way recipes'

10. Frosty Melon - unfortunately, not in color

11. Some gelatin injustices

12. Sea Dream - pretty surreal

13. Summer and Vegetable Salads - I bet you didn't know cauliflower could do that!

14. Ring-Around-The-Tuna - the name says it all

15. Multi-Stripe Delight - the leaning tower

16. Advertisement for existing Jell-O flavors, and introducing new salad flavors

17. Back cover
Chef Andy's Jell-O site is devoted entirely to this cookbook. While it doesn't include all the pictures in the book, it does feature some that I didn't scan. And, if you'd actually like to eat these creations, you're in luck: the site has many of the recipes in the book!